Use your stovetop to prepare a quick and tasty meal for a weeknight, or for guests! Use one pot for the pasta and one pot for the chicken, veggies and...
Chicken chunks are quickly browned in a skillet and simmered in a zesty prepared sauce. The chicken, cooked penne, spinach and prepared cheese sauce are...
This creamy spaghetti dish made with PHILADELPHIA Italian Cheese and Herb Cooking Creme is bursting with flavors of garlic, onion, green pepper and fresh...
Pasta cooks to perfection in Campbell's® Condensed Chicken Broth and is mixed with a comforting blend of Cheddar cheese, tuna fish, bread crumbs and Campbell's®...
Marinated ribs are roasted until tender with wine. The meat is served in a reduced sauce with sliced cabbage, campanelle pasta, and served with butter...
This dish is also known as Rigatoni alla Amatriciana. It is a delicious blend of tomatoes, white wine, and pancetta bacon is spiced with a bit of crushed...
Mini penne tossed with colorful bell peppers and fresh basil makes a colorful and satisfying vegetarian meal. Barilla White Fiber pasta adds a healthy...
Ziti pasta with a creamy tomato sauce is layered with shredded mozzarella cheese then topped with more mozzarella and grated Parmesan--a cheese lover's...
Pasta, ground beef, chili, corn and hot sauce - that's right, the chili favorites all baked into a casserole! If desired, freeze in an airtight casserole...
Reports Trisha Kruse of Boise, Idaho, This tantalizing glaze was inspired by a chicken dish I enjoyed in Vermont. I decided to try it with salmon...and...
The simplicity of Italian flavors like basil and cherry tomato comes through in this healthy, easy pasta dish. Barilla White Fiber pasta adds a boost of...
A colorful combination of ingredients including carrots, celery, onion, parsley and garlic are sauteed together and then simmered with black beans, diced...
Mini penne tossed with colorful bell peppers and fresh basil makes a colorful and satisfying vegetarian meal. Barilla White Fiber pasta adds a healthy...
The classic dish, Pad Thai is artfully created in this reduced calorie version. Chicken, shrimp and bean sprouts mingle with linguine and cilantro in this...
Sliced three-cheese Italian sausage, mushrooms, and onions are quickly pan cooked until carmelized, and are then simmered in a cheesy Alfredo sauce with...